Women in Business Seminar Series focuses on opening new doors of opportunity

Apr 1, 2021

On March 24, 皇冠体育经济发展局(皇冠体育官网)与基督教女青年会瓦胡岛少数族裔商业发展局的有色人种女性创业商业中心合作,首次推出了他们的 “Women in Business Seminar Series.”

Shan Wirt, Director of MBDA Enterprising Women of Color Business Center

超过600人注册参加了这个信息丰富的网络研讨会,题为“获得小企业管理局认证为女性拥有的小企业:打开新的机会之门”,演讲人是:莱斯利·威尔金斯, President & CEO of 皇冠体育官网; Shan Wirt, Director of YWCA Oahu’s Minority Business Development Agency’s Enterprising Women of Color Business Center; Gary Albitz, Business Consultant for 皇冠体育官网; and Wayne Wong, Small Business Development Center Maui (SBDC).

Those who missed the webinar can view the replay at http://cyfwdd.aotai-tech.com/replay-q-and-a-and-resources-to-women-in-business-seminar-series-1/.

Leslie Wilkins, President & CEO, 皇冠体育官网

According to Wilkins, “We selected the timing of our first webinar to celebrate Women’s History Month. According to the State of Hawaii Data Book 2019, Hawaii’s 44,000多家女性拥有的企业每年创造700万美元——全国47%的女性拥有的企业是有色人种女性. Our panelists and their teams represent programs, technical assistance, first-hand experience, 以及指导夏威夷企业家获得SBA女性拥有的小企业(WOSB)认证的专业知识。. They are pleased to share a number of resources for growing one’s business.”

“女性在为我们州的劳动力和经济做出贡献方面取得了巨大进步,” said Wirt. “Today, 少数族裔女性拥有的小企业有很多机会,我们在这里帮助创造公平的竞争环境.”

以下是在3月24日期间分享的一些机会和资源th Women in Business Seminar:

有关商业女性研讨会系列启动演讲期间共享的完整资源列表, visit the replay page at http://cyfwdd.aotai-tech.com/replay-q-and-a-and-resources-to-women-in-business-seminar-series-1/.

基督教女青年会瓦胡岛的MBDA有色人种女性创业中心是由美国国务院资助的.S. Department of Commerce, Minority Business Development Agency. 这是2020年9月在全国建立的五个新商业中心之一,旨在通过金融和商业咨询帮助少数族裔女性拥有的企业发展, workshops and other resources.

皇冠体育官网是一家成立于1982年的非营利性公司,致力于使毛伊县的经济多样化. 皇冠体育官网的使命包括采取创新行动,加强现有业务,为所有居民创造新的经济机会.

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